
statement of health response معنى

  • استجاية لبيان حالة العميل
  • statement    n. تقرير, كلام, تص ...
  • statement of health    بيان حالة العميل
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • health    n. الصحة, ازدهار, ...
  • response    n. إجابة, رد, جواب ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. statement of commitment معنى
  2. statement of conclusions معنى
  3. statement of environmental commitment معنى
  4. statement of explanation معنى
  5. statement of health معنى
  6. statement of income and expenditure معنى
  7. statement of intent for sustainable development cooperation and joint implementation of measures to reduce emissions by greenhouse gases معنى
  8. statement of internal control معنى
  9. statement of need معنى
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